Welcome to Haven'sEducator Resources
We’re thrilled you’ve found your way to Haven’s Teacher Resources. As an educator, you play a pivotal role in the lives of young people, not just in their academic growth, but in their emotional and mental well-being too. We understand that supporting students’ mental health can be both rewarding and challenging, and we’re here to provide you with the tools and information you need to make a positive impact.
Our Educators
Our Teacher Resources are designed to empower you with knowledge, strategies, and practical tools to support your students’ mental health while also maintaining your own well-being. Whether you’re looking to create a more supportive classroom environment, recognize signs of mental health concerns, or enhance your skills in supporting students in distress, we’ve got you covered.
Remember, you don't need to be a mental health expert to make a difference. Your role as a supportive, understanding adult in a young person's life is invaluable. By educating yourself and implementing supportive practices in your classroom, you're contributing to the mental well-being of your students and creating a foundation for their future success.
We encourage you to explore these resources at your own pace. Feel free to start with the topics that are most relevant to your current needs and classroom situation.
What You’ll Find Here:
Ready to Begin?
Choose a topic below to start enhancing your skills in supporting student mental health:
For students aged 9-13, emotional development plays a crucial role in their learning process. Strong emotions can either enhance or hinder cognitive functions. Ali Weisbrot provides some helpful tips for teachers to address emotional development in this video, here are some more resources…
For students aged 9-13, emotional development plays a crucial role in their learning process. Strong emotions can either enhance or hinder cognitive functions. Ali Weisbrot provides some helpful tips for teachers to address emotional development in this video, here are some more resources…
Our ECHO series is designed for medical providers who serve military families. These specialized trainings provide guidance relevant to all families, while also addressing the special considerations of this population.
Through interactive video conferencing, medical providers can connect with experts and peers to discuss best practices for supporting patients during transitions and deployments. For more information about joining our medical provider ECHO series join our mailing list.
Resources from this presentation (please note some of the resources from our ECHO series are specifically intended for military families):
- The Organization Well-being Inventory for Schools (OWBI-S) allows schools to self-assess in 8 domains https://theshapesystem.com/
- TeacherWISE is a research-informed program that helps teachers and school staff manage five domains of their well-being.
- Compassion Resilience
- CDC Staff Wellbeing Supports
- Panorama Education
- Comprehensive Organizational Intervention List
- WISE’s YouTube Library
- Lab for Scalable Mental Health
- Trauma Stewardship Institute
- Project FOCUS: Goal is to enhance family resiliency by focusing on communication, emotion regulation, problem-solving, goal setting, and managing trauma and stress reminders
- After Deployment Adaptive Parenting Tools (ADAPT): Online tools and on-installation programming focused on parenting skills
- Project Thrive: Free online program (partially DoD funded) to support child development and parenting across the age span
- New Parent Support Program: Free offering through DoD (associated with Family Advocacy Program) focused on bolstering knowledge, skills, and parent-child bond
- National Child Traumatic Stress Network www.nctsn.org
- This website has sections for professionals, parents, community and lists the types of trauma that impact children.
- National Council for Behavioral Health
- National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health
- National Domestic Violence Hotline resources for survivors http://www.thehotline.org/
- International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies istss.org
- National Institute of Mental Health www.nimh.nih.gov
- American Psychological Association www.apa.org/topics/trauma
- National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors